Poster Session

Share your knowledge and research

Poster Submission

Reasons you should present your research poster at this conference:

  • Your research will be seen by our European delegation, representing leaders from top pharmaceutical, biotech, academic and government institutions
  • Have the opportunity to present a flash Presentation at the conference to an audience of 300 people
  • Discuss your research and collaborate with other attendees
  • Your poster presentation will be published in our conference materials


The Australian Research Council CIPPS Award for Innovations in Peptide Science

The IRBM Poster Presentation Award for Best Innovative Approaches to the Advancement of Peptide Science

The ROMIL pure chemistry poster presentation award for the advancement of Peptide Synthesis

Display your poster on the EPSC Event


  • All paper posters must be A0 size (841 × 1189 mm) or less, but can be portrait or landscape.
  • It is the responsibility of the first author/ named person to ensure the poster is on display in time for the beginning of the event, and must not be removed until the last refreshment break has finished without prior permission.   
  • Authors may, if they wish, provide A4 hand-outs or notes on their posters for delegates. It is the authors’ responsibility to bring these to the event. In addition, authors should be available to discuss their poster with conference delegates so they may want to indicate the day / time they will be available at their poster display. A poster display is scheduled in the conference agenda.
  • Any posters remaining on site at the end of the event will be disposed of.
  • Authors must take responsibility for the delivery, display and collection of their posters.
  • The EPSC does not accept liability for loss of or damage to posters.
  • By uploading or displaying your poster you agree to to give EPSC permission to film or photograph your presentation at the meeting, which may be used on the EPSC website. Please state in an email to if you do not wish us to film or photograph your presentation.

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