Share your knowledge and research
Present your poster at EPSC 2025
Don't miss out on the opportunity to win a poster award from our sponsors at the EPSC-2025. We have some great prizes to be won so make sure to register your poster and secure yourself a poster board.
Poster presenters will also be invited to present flash presentations. Limited spaces are available and are allocated on a first come first served basis. Don't miss out - register to attend early and secure your place with a flash talk.
Flash talks are not compulsory but do help you highlight your poster and research to the audience of the conference.
Previous Poster Prize Award Winners - 2024
The IRBM Poster Presentation Award for Best Innovative Approaches to the Advancement of Peptide Science
Authors / Contributors:
Yuko Bando1, Anna Sachse, Hans-Dieter Arndt
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Semi-automated Total Synthesis of Cyclic Lipodepsipeptide Anikasin
Award winners with event sponsor Elisabetta Bianchi, IRBM SpA
The CEM Award for Novel Contributions to Peptide Applications
Authors / Contributors:
Alessandro Streuli, Klaus Eyer, Christian Steuer
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ETH Zurich;
Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University
Development of a widely applicable platform
for immunization with constrained β-hairpin mimetics
Award winner with event sponsors Dr Michael Collins and Dr Jonathan Collins, CEM Corporation.
Display your poster at the EPSC Event
Poster board reservation requires a delegate ticket to be purchased.